To this day the British Army is resident on a number of bases in Germany,which means there are often any number of soldiers wives at a loose end for months on end while their menfolk are deployed in other parts of the world.It is for this reason that I have donated some space to one such wife who believe it or not shares our interest.To illustrate her views some clips from the era in question when Beka Film dominated the German market. I should make the point that I have met the young lady and suggested that she put pen to paper and in view of what she told me get her husband to approve her article.This to save him turning up on my doorstep with an army issue weapon. hi Hi fans I was born in the North East of England and married my husband at eighteen, at the time he was already in the army and within a short time I found myself in married quarters based in Germany.I soon found the long days when he was away on training hard going and being a year or two younger than many of the othe...