THAT BLOODY VIRUS!!! I'm sure I aren't alone in having never been isolated for any amount of time.Here in the UK three months is the current restriction,so what do you do with all that time at home? Alone or What? I'm not sure if I'm lucky as I'm presently confined with my ex who came to join me because her partner had become confined with one of her parents.Despite having only met up for the odd weekend and a week away on holiday the last week as been interesting to say the least,now I'm not a great fan of soap operas and reality tv the sort of thing where Z list celeb's pretend to be living in the jungle when in fact it's a park in Australia with a shop selling everything you desire less than a mile away,but my ex can beat even that rubbish on my FreeView Box she has discovered lots of old murder shows on one of the CBS Channels,most date back to the 1980's and are at best mind numbing.So as an escape I have taken to the kitchen with my ...