I had hoped for some response when put on that show where a couple of fans admitted their interest in female combat.Apart from one guy who would have settled for just talking to Belinda,nothing!! So just to add a little interest I have included a few of the pics I seem to get at this time of the year,from fans who would like to see their girls fight and some who clai m have fought and I will relate again a tale of a radio show I heard a little while back. On my way home a little while back I caught a program which was debating what is now known in the U.K.as binge drinking,which often led to fights involving young ladies. Like the guys in the film I volunteered my opinion that the girls would be better taking part in organised wrestling or boxing bouts.There followed the usual abusive calls from the prudish wives club who for some reason ranked the activity akin to making a porno movie. More recently I found the clip from Scots TV and again you would suspect that ...