Anyone who ever doubted how real a catfight at Bitchfight UK can be watch this,I don't know if the girl was persuaded to return to the mat for part two but I'll bet it was a cracker.
Is Sam Dakota the bravest girl in the North of England?Or the most foolhardy?In recent times she seems to have been outmatched against better fighters. One friend of mine did suggest that she is in a good old Northern term"a glutton for punishment"meaning she actually enjoys the beatings.
Another of those outfits promoting White Collar Boxing,thankfully without the crash hats,though I think the two girls in the second bout would have more than a few bruises to show.
Germany's 29 years old Super Lightweight Champ Alicia Melina Kummer adds to her winning record against Lina Tejada 24 from the Dominican Republic a girl with a good record of K.O.wins.
I know many fans have been interested over the years as to how DWW came by it's girls to wrestle,this at least gives some insight into a former life in gymnatics and the supple bodies needed that easily lent themselves to wrestling.
Two of the bigger girls from Golden Gloves and a shock result,going into the last round the girl in black as taken one hell of a beating,but what a turn round!!!