Takes Some Explaining!!! With the election in the UK behind us two of the parties are looking for new leaders and in this the Lib Dems have even bettered the last one who claimed that she would be leading the country shortly before losing her own safe seat in Scotland. What have they come up with??A leading contender Layla Moran is laying claim to being"Pansexual",now that should get her a whole bunch of votes.A friend of mine as studied what this is and as come to the conclusion that it means she would have sex with a man,woman,child or even the family dog. IT GETS WORSE!!! I have been a defender of the Royal Family over the years but recent events have made me and many others turn away. Not longago we had Prince Andrew giving a car crash interview on tv in an attempt deny involvement with a guy in the States with some very dodgy dealings with young ladies and then it got worse Harry and Meghan the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have decided they don't want t...