TAKEN TO TASK!! I have often remarked on the guys in mixed wrestling bouts and how almost to a man they are members of the slack dicks club. My ex took me to task by reminding me of a story from a few years ago. The North of England was and in some places still is the home of the traditional working men's clubs many of whom have struggled for money in recent years and would let out their concert rooms for little or no money,just taking the profits from drinks sold,one of which I had used for a closed doors promotion and it became a regular thing that when they had a private party booking the club would use one of my teams for security. On this night the booking was all male for a stag show,a crowd of around a hundred came and with the odd exception caused no trouble but at some point a stripper who had already performed a lesbian show began inviting men on stage,most backed away with one exception who provided us all with great amusement as no matter what the girl did erec...