IS IT ME??? Over the past couple of months I have become increasingly worried by the number of young ladies joining together against the men of power,things have reached a stage now where all men are being regarded like Harvey W.Hollywood's most renowned sex pest. Young men are becoming fearful of chatting to a young lady for fear of falling foul of the female thought police,a most recent case here in the U.K.involved a young student who happened to mention a young lady had nice legs,the outrage he caused couldn't have been worse had he groped the girl and surprise,surprise the outrage wasn't from the young lady herself but from some self appointed militant feminist body. Sometimes you feel glad you were born into another age,I can only imagine the reaction there would be to my ex being persuaded by me to wrestle and even do it topless at that. Luckily there are ladies who have no objection to showing their bodies and they aren't being forced by...