Another Expert? I often wonder when I read the thoughts of an expert on the net or in a news item,do they get paid for stating the obvious? The latest is one Dr.Lisa Diamond of the University of Utah who as studied late life lesbians or the girls who have married had kids and then swapped sides.After much study she as concluded that they were not in the closet waiting to come out. Now I hate to tell the good Doc but many of us new that and we haven't a degree in Psychology and Gender Studies. My own Study. I do have a slight insight into the subject having still got an ex in tow who admitted to being bi some time back.Best of both worlds or what??? That time again. Mention of the ex reminds me we are coming to that time of the year where family and holidays tend to interfere with my blogging. My output slows down till late August so be warned if your comment isn't on line instantly as I have a certain amount of content set up to cover the time and my ex as ...