One of few Benefits!!! Having watched a documentary on tv the other night I realised how lucky I am to have reached my sell by date. It would appear the young scroat's flogging drugs on the street can expect to earn upto five hundred pounds(£500)a day and the guy who supplies them was seen opening envelopes full of £50 notes mounting to thousands of pounds on his kitchen table with little risk involved to himself. Crazy or What? For some time in the U.K.government have toyed with plans to stop the young having access to porn,the latest being a person wanting to watch porn should go to the local newsagents with proof of age and identity in order to purchase a personal porn pass. The first problem here would be who decides what is porn?Were this in the hands of the prudes at youtube watching two girls wrestle with bare breasts would qualify. Beside which who would police this?Our police force already understaffed and over run with drug and knife crime? The other side of whi...