Fans around Europe are all by now familiar with LGIS in Germany,many of their bouts are still featured on the internet. I wasn't aware of just how far the word had spread until the other day when I spoke with a friend in Germany who had been to Canada on business.There he had met a long time fan of the scene who remembered seeing an a news item about them way back in the seventies. Between them they were able to track down the article which was in the Montreal Gazette on the 5th of October 1977. The article relates how there were protests in a number of places where the shows were put on and it wasn't unusual for the police to have to be called to clear the"women's libbers"of the time who seemed to think the boxers were being used as sex objects. Many may recall the boxer quoted by the paper,24 years old student Angie Simons who said the girls made good money and enjoyed the bouts. Sadly my friend wasn't able to get me the article,but tells me...