TIME AND REFLECTIONS. If nothing else the lockdown as given time to reflect on some of the things we have missed.I have watched any number of former friends on YouTube telling the story of careers in the business both short and long,many like yours truly still suffer from the injuries they suffered in the cause of entertainment. The one thing that stood out in both the UK,Europe and the States is that few guys or girls have got rich out of wrestling,infact more than one person reflected they would have been better off working as a doorman,which reminded me of a night some time back working the door on a nightclub when two of the guys returned from appearing in Glasgow where they had both collected a number of bumps and bruises which made the journey home in the back of a ancient Transit van uncomfortable to say the least. Swapping stories of the night I discovered I had been paid more for a few hours standing the door with few problems apart from one drug addled hard man who...