LOOKING AHEAD!! With many countries at least reducing the deaths from the virus and some restrictions being lifted what does the future hold? For fans of combat sport the future could be difficult to say the least.Promotions which attract crowds are a non starter at least in the UK so what can be done?Talking to a friend of mine on the phone the other day he mentioned that a template for the future may be that of Festelle Video a few years ago when hey worked with small numbers in attendance and the sale of video.In modern terms this could work with video streaming.Could it work??? On the same theme,I was reminded that Monica in London and the North Manchester girls would be able to operate on a slimmed down way though from a financial point the sexy side sells and the old maxim used by Festelle still applies,TOPLESS!!! UPDATE!! I know from my mail that I'm not alone in my love of holidays in Spain so here is the latest on life in Spain and the future for visitor...