I can't wait!!! For many years now the Friday before Christmas as been known as"Mad Friday" when work is finished till the New Year and the loony's of towns,cities and even villages throughout the U.K.go out and get into a totally blathered state and cost the NHS a small fortune as they end the night in casualty departments seeking repairs having been beaten senseless by an opponent not quite as drunk or suffering alcoholic poisoning, not to mention the ones who believe they are sober enough to drive and end up embedded in a wall or running into an innocent motorist. So why can't I wait?? Because this year we had the first"Mad Friday"a few days back on the 15th with the promise of another next Friday. Anyone who ever wonders why the special offers on drinks don't apply at Christmas should realise that owners of pubs and night spots pay out a fortune for bouncers to keep warring factions apart and protect innocent sensible p...