It was Bob Dylan who many moons ago wrote of the times they are a changing and nothing for me highlights it more than Christmas and New Year.

Twenty years back we had the great event of the Millennium which here in the UK gave owners of clubs and bars an  excuse to jack up prices for those wanting to celebrate the happening.

Luckily the public weren't that gullible and didn't part with their hard earned in exchange for crazy deals,one that comes to mind was a club where in exchange for fifty quid you got fed!!A ham sandwich and a bucket load of ale,I had a team working the door there who were paid off at an hour before midnight due to the lack of punters in the place.

Since that day New Year as been more celebrated at home and this year at midnight I was in a bar with at the most a dozen people to see it in.
Here in the UK the law now dictates that"door supervisors"have to be licenced by the SIA and for those deemed a fit and proper person it costs £210 for three years this as led to people who have the same badge and work as security in supermarkets watching for shoplifters doubling up on pub doors by night something many are ill equipped to do.
Also most pub and club teams have to contain a female,now that I can understand as drug dealers now rarely carry their own stash and use girlfriends to get it into clubs,no male doorman would get away with searching a young ladies undies for coke.


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