Going back to the day when the girls of LGIS came to the UK reminded me of the halcyon days before political correctness gripped the world and the fight fan could attend live action in many parts of Europe.During those days I was unable to attend Festelle events due to the dates always falling when Iwas away in Germany,but I was lucky in that I managed to attend a few LGIS events in that country.

Around this time was when my ex became a more than interested party after attending a couple of shows with me.Although she only ever fought one of the LGIS girls,mainly due to her lack of experience,she did say she would have loved to have fought Lena Sorenson.

In mentioning this I refer back to a point I have made many times,the atmosphere at live events.View the old clips of Festelle in that smokey room,or LGIS in the beer kellars of Germany and you can almost imagine yourself there.Do the young fans of today realise what they missed????


  1. lena is also stunning. does anyone know her fight record?


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