A recent coment that possibly needs some explanation was from our friend who hoped I was joking when letting my girl get involved in this kind of shit.
To explain my girl is in fact my ex wife and these events were some time back when we were living in Germany.It may come as a shock to our friend that I didn't force her to take part in any of these activities she took part by choice and in the case of the hairpulling contest this was at the request of a fan who paid for the video of the event.
A few brief details of how she became involved in the scene will possibly go a long way in satisfying a few fans curiosity,a few years back the scene in Germany was more active than in the UK,I believe this to be true even to this day.We are all aware of the likes of LGIS and Beka in those days but there was also a number of smaller outfits operating mainly because of the vast distances(in comparison to the UK)between major cities where many events were held.
My ex was then as now a nurse and it was a friend at work who mentioned to her that she was making a few D.Marks in cash by taking part in wrestling contests for discerning gentlemen.One day she did mention that she would like my ex to attend with her as she had agreed to take on another girl in a boxing bout and would like her to act as a second in case she should collect any injury.I only learned of this after the event when my ex mentioned it and said she had been offered the chance to take part and would I mind,would I?
Like her friend she started with a few wrestling bouts,fought topless as was the norm and progressed to boxing which did leave her with an odd bloody nose and a few bruises,a long way from the bloodied mess that can be seen in things like Queen of the Hood.
In short my ex was one of those girls who at school loved sport and joining the local judo club was a natural progression because she loved to compete.Our friend may be suprised that with the exception of the hairpulling bout all her other contests were in a sporting context.


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