A short time back I put in this blog the thoughts of"Army Wife"and how she became involved in the scene and the other things she did.
These other things caused a fair amount of comment,mainly from people who had never been in a similar situation to the families of men serving in the forces.
The other day I  got a letter of support for "Army Wife"from a recently retired soldier which he is allowing me to put on line in part.
As a former soldier I have to support "Army Wife"what she wrote was very true.Life in the forces means often long seperations and short  honeymoon periods when a combination of drink and sheer passion often leads to crazy events.
I too had a time stationed in Germany where summer often led to boozy parties when the guys and their girls would take part in wrestling contests and crazy games where the girls would be encouraged to pretend to be from the planet Lesbia.
I know for a fact that my own wife more than a few times took this a stage further while I was away on duty.These could be long and frustrating times for us both and any one who as spent a long time apart and who as not resorted to masterbation I fear could only be called a liar when told of this activity over the phone. 


  1. So instead of having your phone sex jack-off's like an asshole go tell your commanding officer to arrange for some decent conjugal visits with your wife so you can deal with this aspect of your marriage for the better. Don't tell me the demands of military life make this damn near impossible. I've heard this crybaby stuff before. [No, I've never been in the military but I know of many who have who were able to do this. It is possible with some decent planning and accomodation if no war (obviously) is going on.]

    I don't buy these sex-starved stories that make it seem so helpless to do anything about it.

    Same gripes; same bullshit story.


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