Since I featured the young lady in the UK who had agreed to a fight mainly to please her man I have had contact from a guy in the States whose girl had a similar experience though he does claim his girl won despite the damage.
Now being so far away I have no idea if this guy is for real so you take this at face value.
What I have learned from friends is that the young lady in the UK was not so much concerned about the painful marks on her body but more that her man had stepped in and stopped the fight when she would have fought on.


  1. " ... I have no idea if this guy is for real so you take this at face value."

    ... which I believe for right now is crap ... because what I see here on these boards are repetitive references you post about people who say they've contacted you about this "event" or say they're telling you about that "event" involving "their" wives, "their" girl friends, "their" family members or other acquaintances but who never come here and post themselves about these "events" ... I'm not faulting you for acting as a board proxy for these people (or posers ???) but I'll put more stock in what "they" say when "they" come here themselves.

    After a while, if there are posers who are constantly entertained by making the b.s.-o-meter go off it's time for these clowns to take up residence (click) here.

  2. This is from Suite Fights. Not a private match. Her opponent did not clip her nails before the fight. She lost the fight and they had a rematch afterwards.


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