When I hear from fans I often wonder was I lucky or what?After a short far from star studded career in the game myself .I married a girl who loved to wrestle and had no problem touching an opponent and that proved my downfall,she's now my ex.
But I do hear from guys from time to time who get their wish granted,the first was a guy and his girl who lived fairly near to my ex,he had heard that over the recent Bank Holiday a local pub was to hold boxing bouts for anyone brave enough to show.He got his girl to fight"like yer do"and she did well,the problem came when she suggested he get in the ring,no way was that happening!The result a withdrawal of certain rites.Oh dear!
The second horror tale is from a young man who had always wanted his girl to fight and having ignored my often mentioned advice,wrestling is a contest not a fight!!!He got his girls arch enemy to come to his home,cleared a room and got them to fight.In only a matter of minutes his girl
was badly hurt and in tears(see pic)hence another lesson learned the hard way!!!


  1. As I always say, KK, a married man should always burn the following axiom into his brain (and hard drive and phone voice recorder): Happy wife ??? ... HAPPY life !!! .... ... Unhappy wife ??? ... Unhappy life !!! ...

    You don't really reveal what the Big Problem was with the first poor bloke who was barred from the bedroom ... Since he didn't want to satisfy her wish to put himself in her shoes and do as she wanted (since she accommodated him), I can only guess that caused him some angst afterwards because she berated him for being afraid or reluctant (all mouth and no trousers) ... That in turn caused him to retaliate towards her and she in turn (if true, then justifiably) berated him for failing to put his actions where his big mouth was (causing a big argy-bargy) ... So he ended up sleeping on the couch for at least a few good nights (again ... if more or less true ... then good for her ...) ...

    The second case is a good example (if true ... or is it ??? ... or is someone feeding you a load of crap, warts and all ???) of a damn idiot who should have kept his laughing gear shut and should have never even mentioned this pathetic incident in the first place ... He obviously doesn't give a rat's ass about his g/f's feelings by causing her so much pain and abuse ... and what dumb ass brings his g/f's arch enemy over for an event like this and then posts her pic in the condition she ended up in ??? ... and what female would agree to such an event ??? ... His g/f, even if not appearing to be badly bruised or anything, still looks like she had a rough time ... (So whoever told you this appears to be either fucked up here or a loon in need of a good pasting ..)

    Basically two males who excel at being arseholes ...


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