Often when Festelle searched for girls they found a number who were AC/DC and made a few videos  in the lesbian mode a few of which have been put together here.How many of the girls from regular wrestling and fighting series do you recognise?


  1. In response to your previous post about Becky, the troupe of mud wrestlers was called The Mudlarks. Becky was one of two girls from there to work for Festelle, the other was Anita. Both girls could handle themselves in a scrap, but when wrestling Anita wasn't a bit averse to some 'unladylike tactics is she took a dislike to one of her opponents. I recall her reducing an Austrian girl to tears by inserting her finger where it didn't belong.
    I notice your recent posts are no longer downloadable. That's a shame. Are you having copyright problems?

  2. Pleasse don't publish my last comment. It's just for you. Thanks.

  3. Can't say because I skip this particular venue ... basically because blending fem-vs-fem activities with lesbian behavior is P.C. (perverted crap) that should remain in the closet (along with clothes ... but unlike clothes, it should just stay there instead of coming out ...)

    I know the AC/DC theme appeals to some (maybe even many) but it's completely off my radar ...


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