A number of fans have pointed out that some of the videos taken from YouTube are no longer available,my apologies for this but it is beyond my control.Sadly I don't have the time to check everything I put on this blog and YouTubes policy on bare breasts doesn't seem appropriate in view of some of the recent misdemeanours,which include eight year old boys cage fighting and an almost daily diet of racism.And were that not enough I pick up my daily paper to discover on YouTube a four year old boy singing a little ditty normally sung by what are called"football fans"about the deaths in a plane crash many years ago of the members of another team.And YouTube think bare breasts are offensive!!!!!!


  1. VERY WELL-said. You're just doing a hell of a great job here time-after-time. Everyone coming here realizes this but should also already understand what you've said as far as missing YouTube videos go. I suppose some people just have to be spoon-fed. Short of downloading it yourself (which, imho, is asking far too much), everyone should stop their whining and set up,say, their own private, automatic e-mail notification arrangements with you (of course, if and only if you agree) so they can be alerted of a new posting asap. If that's not good enough, maybe there's a similar arrangement with Blogger itself for being promptly notified; otherwise, everyone stop complaining like their diapers are soaked.


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