This bout comes from a WWC meet of some years back(look at the girls ages)and reminded me of a chat I had with a fan here in the UK a little while back.
We had first met some years back when we used to cheat and swap our old vhs videos over a drink in the pub next door to the Swish Publications shop in London's Soho(what did they call that pub?)and having read an article in AIA he set about saving enough cash to get to the States and attend the next one.Sadly that event for some reason never took place and some years past before another,leaving my friend with a few pounds to spare which the little lady in his life invested wisely for him.Since then both he and I have wondered about the reasons why WWC didn't become a regular event,possibly some one at that side of the pond will be able to help us.


  1. Really Great clip. Those Women's Wrestling Convention events were SUPERB from every angle. ALL the women were TERRIFIC and TRUE CHAMPIONS. After an absence of several years from the one held in (I think) 2000 (2001 ?), the last one was a few years ago. It was also superb from what I heard (wished I could have been there). I just assume the overall fan support and logistics simply just decreased since then. Obviously the internaional coordination and money have to be depended on. The organizer (Jackpin) and his crew always did a first-class job. All the women were Highly Appreciated. At present, I'm only an independent observor so all I can say is if another one comes along it's anybody's guess.


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