As an ardent admirer of nipples you have to give Ronald L.Dvorkin credit for getting Betty to display hers in this bout.
An interesting question for fans Stateside were California Supreme the first to feature girls with bare breasts in that part of the world.
I mean in proper contest not the glam mag stuff of rolling around on sheepskin rugs and squealing.


  1. To my knowledge (and I'm relying only on what I've read and "uncovered" -- no pun intended), California Supreme (and sister enterprise, Bellstone) were among the first (if not the very first) to feature topless female-vs-female events over here. Their events and products were (and still are) among the Best. Of course, there were others who advanced into this genre (Curtis Dupont comes to mind) that actually did produce (at least some) excellent products once they realized there was a genuine fan base for this genre without the dumb-as-a-doorknob, bullshit pornography that was connected to it from its very beginning.

    So when they must have discovered how the Europeans were already far ahead in portraying topless (and even nude) female-vs-female events events that were really a treasure to see, more 'Murkin-land enterprises finally woke up and started to make some real progress.

    ... so at least that's how I've seen it develop ... just my thoughts ...


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