Having been laid low recently I haven't been able to get around,the back injury is much improved,but the problem with my eyes is still there and it doesn't look like I can get anything done much before Christmas.The National Health Service in the U.K. is wonderful.
I was cursing my Luck the other day at not being able to drive and having to catch a bus when my luck changed on calling to see a friend who is still able to connect to VK and he showed me a video on there of Boxing Magazine 12 which I can only presume was produced by Festelle Video as all the bouts on it are theirs.
It maybe that there are fans with some knowledge of this tape or connection to the person who loaded it to VK.I have to admit that for any long time fans of Festelle it is well worth a watch,included are the European Middleweight Championship bout between Ricky Kumar
from Germany and Sue Catkins
from London and Ricky's bout with Susan Strong
along with a couple of bouts where Sherry proved she was definitely not a boxer.


  1. Very sorry to hear your mobility has been impaired but here's hoping you're able to get around with municipal transit or other means to the extent you want and hope your eyes do get better as much as possible in the meantime ... On the other hand, we 'Murkins over here in 'Murkinland hear a lot about the benefits of the UK's NHS. I suppose if you can cope with the waiting (4 months ??? !!!) it has its value. So let me just say we 'Murkins hate waiting for health care (actually, we hate waiting for anything) but when the situation does call for health care (emergencies or not), we esp. hate waiting for it (and that's 1 of the Big Reasons why full-blown, national health care over here is so tough for the majority of us to accept) ... If we'd have to wait even half the time in your case (2 months), we'd have a damn revolution over here. Yes ... we get criticized like hell about our health care system and its failings but for all the discussing (or cussing, there's really no difference), fully implemented-and-run government, socialized health care for us is like what happens to an upset stomach: We barf it more than we digest it.


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