Just a Thought 36.

In preperation for the arrival of the great unwashed and rent a mob in Hamburg for the G20 German police have a garage full of water cannon.

In the U.K.we often ask why don't we use this tactic?Are that's right those from rent a mob who have never worked nor are ever likely to work have human rights.Welcome to my world gone mad!!
Reasons Why?
Even before the G20 Summit had started the water cannon were deployed to remove unautherised gatherings and camping from the Altona area of Hamburg.

They were also used in the St.Pauli neighbourhood where protestors were blocking roads in various locations having already been used on Sunday night to clear around 600 people from an illegal tent city on the banks of the Elbe where pepper spray was also used.
The authority's are expecting around one hundred thousand of the great unwashed.Sounds like a hell of a lot of water and pepper spray to me!!!


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